It is in our experience that at one time or another you have faced, are facing, or will face some kind of adversity. These seasons of life can destroy your personal, professional or marital relationships leaving you devastated and overwhelmed with no solutions in sight.
We are passionate about helping you grow, progress, and gain clarity to maximize your full potential in your desired path.
It is our mission to add value to and to touch the lives of every individual we meet. Having successfully overcome multiple traumatic life, business, and relationship challenges, it became our passion to share these solutions of how we survived, persevered, and thrived knowing they will make an impact in your lives as well.
Through motivational/inspirational speaking, coaching, and leadership mentoring, we encourage you to transform and grow!

Michael grew up in a military family and throughout school he faced challenges with being bullied, having undiagnosed ADHD, stuttering issues, and incredible shyness. At the age of 13, he was introduced to drugs and alcohol which helped hide his insecurities while playing high school basketball and football. His brief stint in the military led him into an entirely different industry and for the next dozen years he lived excessively and impulsively.
A few months before his life came crashing down, Michael met Lisa. They have been together ever since both overcoming personal and marital wreckage. Being persistent helped them finally turn the corner in life until one night they awoke in the middle of the night to their greatest challenge yet.
Michael and Lisa will provide the audience with a fresh perspective of how life can impact you individually and as a couple. Through sharing their cultivation of a NO SURRENDER MINDSET, they will capture, educate, and inspire attendees to act to overcome whatever challenges they are facing. Whether individual challenges, couples’ issues, or professional obstacles, it truly is what and how you think that determines the actions you will take.
With an astonishing collection of life experiences, Michael delivers an uncommon perspective of how not to quit, to push through, and to keep moving forward to succeed in whatever the goal may be. A NO SURRENDER MINDSET launched his rise from the ashes and is truly a bounce back story giving the audience a blueprint to change their lives.
Michael holds a Master of Science in Professional Counseling. He is Board Certified as a licensed associate counselor in the state of Arizona and is a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional. Michael has received his professional speaking and coaching certification and is also certified to bring leadership training into businesses and corporations through Dr. John C. Maxwell.
Although she was never afraid to pursue life and found ways to succeed socially, Lisa struggled with low self-esteem, depression, and sought acceptance in how other people viewed her. She found value in unhealthy ways that would never fill the void she felt inside. Even though she struggled in her youth, she began to develop her NO SURRENDER MINDSET at an early age without even knowing it.
Lisa eventually met and fell in love with Michael who was fighting his own demons. They traveled many paths seeking personal development, self-discovery, and healing. And just when they had reached stability, started a family, and were living a meaningful life…they suffered their biggest setback. One that you only see in the movies. This event threatened their lives, their sanity, and their marriage.
Having overcome a new terrifying hurdle, Lisa and Michael use their stories of perseverance to inspire others. Their NO SURRENDER MINDSET towards life encourages audiences to investigate their own potential, break down barriers, and move from striving to thriving.
By sharing her own personal experiences, Lisa brings a fresh perspective and infectious positivity to every event. Her message resonates with her attendees as she teaches, captivates, and inspires them to overcome obstacles that stand in their way, to stretch themselves to be all they can be, and to recognize and heal from what may be holding them back.
Through these life events and the application of the NO SURRENDER MINDSET, Lisa has helped many people while raising their son with Michael. She has served as the Vice President of The Ladies of Influence and Power and received her professional speaking and coaching certification. She is also certified to bring leadership training into businesses and corporations through Dr. John C. Maxwell.

Life Can Change in Minutes, Ours Took 4
(Delivered by Michael and Lisa White)
In a world filled with challenges, surprises, suffering, and uncertainty, you may wonder how to navigate through it. Most people are unaware of how great their life really is until something devastating turns their world upside down.
Michael & Lisa take you on their journey through a terrifying, unexpected, and life changing 4 minutes and share three concepts that will help anyone cultivate a No Surrender Mindset so they can thrive.
A Rhythmical Pattern of Coming and Going, of Decline and Regrowth
(Delivered by Michael and Lisa White)
Couples face challenges daily that cause separation in the relationship. Often the struggle is how to come back together. This leads to separation, divorce, and uprooting of the family unit.
Michael and Lisa will present their 6 core relationship principles they created to bind them together when life forced them apart. They will share outrageous, intimate, and vulnerable experiences which will inspire, resonate and provide audiences with practical solutions that will create a No Surrender Mindset within their relationship.

Know Thyself
(Delivered by Lisa White)
Since we were born we were taught and influenced how we should look, what we should wear, where we should live, how much money we should make, who we should be and this can make it difficult to truly know thyself. Lisa has worked through: working in a gentleman’s club, co-dependency, family addiction and alcoholism, low self-esteem, trauma, and financial devastation. Through stories of her own perseverance and the development of her No Surrender Mindset, Lisa provides the audience with 4 keys to opening the doors of self-discovery that will set them on the road of becoming a seeker.
Cultivating a No Surrender Mindset
(Delivered by Michael White)
Many people do not believe in themselves, quit easily, have a fear of failing, are uncertain of how to move forward and can feel that life is an elite club they are not a member of. This leads to doubt, regret, and discontent. Michael lived the exact same way as he navigated through negative influences, personal failures, uncommon life experiences, and facing death more than once. He brings to life the lessons, solutions, and the creation of a No Surrender Mindset. You will leave equipped with the 5 phases in developing this mindset and inspired to know that change is truly attainable leading to confidence, empowerment and purpose.

Stephanie Vanderdys,
Sr. Director Inside Sales,
Dell Technologies
Michael and Lisa provide a truly inspiring message for leadership and for personal growth. They share real examples of how companies can keep their teams connected and motivated during challenges and difficult times. This was especially relevant during the pandemic and the switch to remote work.
They are fun, high energy, and relatable.
Michael and Lisa have a powerful testimony of love, faith and perseverance against all odds. They share their story in a unique way of alternating perspectives that keeps it real and fascinating. Their message is one of inspiration and hope for both individuals and couples who have faced extreme adversity in their lives.
Bonnie and Rick E.

An incredibly, sad story that Mike and Lisa have turned into a powerful message that everyone should hear. My hope is that everyone truly listens.
Billy W, Brewer Enterprises
Many times when people experience trauma in their lives, they carry it around with them and let it weigh them down, but not Mike and Lisa. These are two individuals that have found a way to not only overcome their bitterness, but to become empowered by what used to weigh them down. Their passion for wanting to help others improve their outlooks and break free of their own battles is evident and the longer I listened to them speak, the more inspired I felt. I personally left their speech feeling motivated to improve my performance at work and to start exercising more, so thank you Mike and Lisa for the motivation.
Katy N.